Meet Tower Garden

The Healthier, Easier Way to Grow Your Own Produce, Indoors or Out

Tower Garden harnesses aeroponic growing technology, offering a simpler, more sustainable way for you to grow fresh, healthy food — with no green thumb required. It comes with everything you need to grow a variety of produce, uses about 4 ft2 of space, and takes about 20 minutes a week to maintain, while satisfying your appetite for nutritious, clean, delicious food.

Grow More Food, 3x Faster

Our systems are aeroponic, meaning Tower Garden grows plants with water and liquid nutrients (instead of dirt). The Tower Garden growing system uses 98% less water than traditional growing, and it helps your plants grow faster and be more nutrient dense.

How Tower Garden Works

Our state-of-the-art technology is actually quite simple. Thanks to aeroponics, it works in just a few steps but can have a big impact on your life.

Indoor or Outdoor Growing — Your Choice

Tower Garden allows you to grow your own produce indoors or outdoors without the learning curve or time commitment of traditional gardening.

A Garden for Everyone

Whether you’re growing food for yourself or a family, school, or community — or if you’re an entrepreneur interested in larger-scale Tower Farms — there’s a Tower Garden setup for you! 

Growing guidance is here

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