Benefits Of Tower Garden
A “Healthier, Easier, Smarter” Way to Grow
“Healthier, easier, and smarter” is the simplest way to sum up the benefits of opting for Tower Garden. Here are just a few examples of what those benefits look (and smell, and taste) like in real life.
Healthier Growing: Food and Nutrition
With the Tower Garden aeroponic system, you grow clean food that’s:
- More nutrient-dense
- More colourful
- Tastier and more fragrant
Growing with Tower Garden also:
- Lets you take charge of your produce availability
- Nurtures healthy habits
- Provides you with an educational tool
Easier Growing: Convenience and Savings
This is another primary benefit of Tower Garden, since it means:
- No digging
- No weeding
- Lower grocery bills (many Tower Garden owners report it paid for itself in as few as six months).
Smarter Growing: All of the Above, Plus Sustainability
Growing with Tower Garden proves that less really can be more:
- Tower Garden food virtually eliminates shipping and storage for a greatly reduced carbon footprint
- Uses as little as 2% of the water required for traditional gardening
- The vertical design uses 90% less space than you’d usually need to grow produce
- Closed-system technology means Tower Garden recycles 100% of its nutrients and water
- The pH-balanced ionic minerals and plant nutrients in Tower Garden Mineral Blends produce strong, healthy plants that can better protect themselves from insect pests and diseases with less of a need for pesticides or herbicides
- See more about the environmental benefits of Tower Garden »